Opt-out options give people the ability to stop receiving messages whenever they want, even if they originally agreed to receive them. Failure to comply can lead to significant penalties under Federal, State and Other Consumer Protection Laws.
How It Works
When a recipient replies with a recognized 'Opt-Out Command', they will automatically be added to your company-wide opt-out list (see "Recognized Stop Commands" below); effectively blocking anyone at your organization (using TextBetter) from sending a text to that number.
- To view your opt-out list any at time, log into the Admin. Portal and click on the Compliance Tab > Reports. From the drop down, select "Opt Out Report History".
- To manually add to your opt-list, log into the Admin. Portal and click on the Company Settings Tab > Opt-Outs. Click the '+' icon to add a new number to the list.
Recognized Stop Commands:
What Happens When Someone Replies STOP?
When a recipient replies with "STOP" (or any other kind of 'STOP' Command) TextBetter does two things:
- We send the recipient an automated reply confirming their opt-out status: "i.e., This telephone number has opted-out successfully."
- We send the Message sender an email notifying them that their message was not delivered due to recipients opt out status.