Assign DIDs to Enterprise (Step 3)

From the reseller dashboard, click the action icon. Select "Phone Numbers"

Manage SMS DID (Unassign, Delete and Update SMS DIDs)

This article provides steps on how to Unassign, Delete and Update Carriers for SMS DIDs.

Unassign SMS DIDs

This can be done by the Reseller or the Enterprise Admin.

1. Navigate to "Users

2. Select the user you wish to unassign the DID from the "Manage Users" page then click "Manage SMS" from the actions menu. 

3. Uncheck the box for "Enable SMS Service" then highlight the DID from the "Assigned DIDs" box, click the blue arrow and then submit.

To take effect to the user, the removal of the Team dedicated to the SMS Number the Global Admin must execute a "Sync SMS App".


Delete SMS DIDs

Note: This option is only available for the Mater Reseller or Reseller Admin.  

Ensure that the following actions are complete before deleting the Phone Number.